It’s Valentines Day and choccie heaven day too! The problem with showering your loved one and yourself with choccies is that most of them are filled with all kinds of little nasties that may taste good but not be so good for you. No need to despair there is a delicious choccie solution here! This recipe is not only one of the most scrumptious tastiest, easiest, truffles you have ever had but it is actually good for you, in moderation of course! The coconut oil is brain food and helps stabilize blood sugar and the coconut sugar is low glycemic and contains minerals and vitamins. Here are some choccie facts for your evening Valentines trivia game: A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains:
- 11 grams of fiber.
- 67% of the RDA for Iron.
- 58% of the RDA for Magnesium.
- 89% of the RDA for Copper.
- 98% of the RDA for Manganese.
It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.
Now it is best not to consume all those 100g yourself but to share in the pleasure. These yummy treats are so divine that you should have no problem finding a willing muncher. Choccielicious!!!!!
Choccie Truffles
Makes about 12
100g (3.5oz) dark chocolate 70%-75% cocoa
1 tsp extra virgin coconut oil
2 tsp coconut nectar or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1/3 cup (3oz)unsweetened almond, peanut,sunflower seed, or cashew butter
2 tsp coconut nectar or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
Melt the chocolate over low heat with the coconut oil until just melted. Stir in paste or nectar and set aside. For the filling mix the nut butter with the nectar or paste and then roll into small 1/4 oz size balls. Freeze until firm. Roll frozen balls into melted chocolate mixture and place in candy cups or on parchment paper to set. Serve room temperature. To speed up the setting process, they can be placed in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and then removed.