Please click on the images below to download elements of the Starting Fresh! press kit.

To contact Jill directly, please go to her Contact page.

For all media intending to quote from this material, please see the attribution requirements at the bottom of this page.


Jill Dahan

PK Image

Press Kit

Please note: the Press Kit contains a press release, praise for Jill and her book, Jill’s bio

and a Q & A with the author.


Sample Pages from Starting Fresh!


Excerpts from the above Q&A may be reprinted with the following credit:

From Starting Fresh! by Jill Dahan. (Lorimer Press; September 2013; $29.95/Trade Paperback; ISBN-13; 978-0983893677).

Up to 3 Recipes may be reprinted with the following credit:

Recipes from From Starting Fresh! by Jill Dahan. (Lorimer Press; September 2013; $29.95/Trade Paperback; ISBN-13; 978-0983893677).